
UniSync Universe, a cloud-based logistic application for shipment management & tracking

OAS had collaborated and supported UniSync in delivering a cloud-based logistic application for shipment management and tracking which allows users to update and monitor their shipment’s details and movements in real-time with an online web-browser and/or smartphone’s application.

The Universe solution caters to majority of the logistics process - from Air WayBill preparation to Pick-up to Delivery and finally, Billing & Real-Time Reporting.

It is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution which is subscription based and No upfront capital expenditure will be required. Under the SaaS model, UniSync will provide the IT infrastructure which includes hardware, software and the resources to manage and support it all.

UniSync Universe Features
Features and benefits that will help your company achieve its goals! 

Best practice enforcement

UniSync Universe caters to majority of the logistics process - from Air WayBill preparation to Pick-up to Delivery and finally, Billing.

Allowing an unlimited number of users will ensure that all operators comply with required steps in each process via checks on the data collected from the scans performed. From this data also, Operations and Management will have access to real-time reports on various KPIs, thus instilling a culture of accountability.


Minimum investment in IT, low ownership cost and running costs

IT cost and manpower cost are reduced significantly as there is no need to hire IT personnel, thus reducing hiring costs and minimize HR-related issues. Additionally, Universe lowers systems ownership cost and running cost with only minimum CAPEX required.

Fast implementation, Unlimited users and locations

Implementation time is just under 8 weeks, and UniSync Universe allows for unlimited users as well as locations (for Standard package and above), so all locations and employees of your company can experience UniSync Universe’s shipment tracking benefits quickly.

Flexible and easy to integrate

UniSync Universe is a highly scalable and reliable system as the system is hosted in a highly secured cloud environment. UniSync Universe is also flexible as it has the ability to increase or integrate new modules that provide additional features to the shipment tracking system.


Real-time update on shipment tracking

UniSync Universe is a highly scalable and reliable system as the system is hosted in a highly secured cloud environment. UniSync Universe is also flexible as it has the ability to increase or integrate new modules that provide additional features to the shipment tracking system.



UniSync Universe is usable on multi-platform environments, such as internet-connected PCs and Android devices with mobile data connection.


Subscription model, as low as 10 cent* per tracking number regardless of tracking status updates

UniSync Universe offers the Software as a Service (SaaS) subscription model, a cost-effective solution to assist logistics companies in monitoring their operations effectively, increase their profitability and improve the company’s cash flow position.


GPS coordinates tagged

Each scan performed by your personnel will be tagged with GPS coordinates, enabling Operations to accurately determine the location of the package.


Hybrid modes feature

This powerful feature saves on mobile data consumption as it allows for the option for data to be transmitted in real-time where data is transmitted instantly, or in offline mode where the data will be transmitted only when the mobile data coverage is available or when your personnel returns to the hub.


Existing barcodes used

Scans can be performed using your company’s existing barcodes, so there is no need to create new barcodes and no disruption to current processes.


Attach shipment supporting documents

Your personnel can use their smartphone’s camera to capture any image – supporting documents, proof of receipts, etc. – and easily tag the images with the shipment. These images are also viewable by both your Operations as well as your customer.


Keeping customers updated

Customers will be able to view the Proof Of Delivery for their shipments online without the hassle of waiting or calling in to Customer Service.


Data collection of shipment weight

Shipment weight can be collected using the Weighing Machine client which will detect the weight and tag the data to the shipment’s tracking number automatically, without the need for manual data entry.

For more information visit on UniSync Universe,

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