
About Us

     Open Architecture Solutions Sdn. Bhd (599554-K) (OAS) was established in 2002 to provide technical expertise and consultancy work in ICT solution with a specialty in open solutions architect, project management and test and integration. Our services also cover system development, collaboration, messaging and backend system integration services. We are supported through proven in-house methodology and approach.

We assist our clients in developing the ICT solutions from the development of ICT master plan, inception report, system design, system development, test and integration, project management and project commissioning.

Whatever the nature of our clients’ business, we focus on adding value through systems that increase efficiency and provide measured productivity gains. This means paying close attention to the details and making technology fit the business processes ... not the other way round. The most important reason for our success is our ability to convert our technological skills into applications that simulate the way that people think and work.

Our project management approach, test and integration methodology will ensure our client gained benefit from quality product delivered.


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